Silent Signals -The Hidden Messages in Your Logo

LogoDek’s Silent Signals survey reveals how design choices impact trust, value, and quality.
Our first report in the series explores how typography can dramatically shape trust, revealing a surprising gap between the preferences of professional designers and those of the general public.
Key Findings
The general public trust lowercase serif fonts, associating their traditional appearance with authority and credibility.
The design community favours modern, clean, uppercase sans-serif fonts, seeing them as conveying simplicity and professionalism.
The general public consider the gravitas of wordmarks rendered in an extra bold font the most trustworthy.
For the design community, less is more, perceiving wordmarks rendered with lighter fonts the most trustworthy.
Generous letter spacing, perhaps suggesting transparency, is perceived as more trustworthy by both the design community and the public.
Magenta was identified as the least trustworthy color for a wordmark.
Full Survey and Press Release
Download the full survey here.
Download the press release here.
Download images and charts here.